
1-to-1 counselling, psychotherapy and coaching prices.


Before commencing therapy, we would discuss via an initial call what it is you would like to focus on and agree a plan of what therapeutic approaches help to meet the needs at any point in time. As needs and life change, we would check in every 4 weeks to discuss what’s working and what needs to be brought into focus.   

Therapeutic Approaches

Long term, person centred counselling

Counselling provides the space to talk about anything that’s most prominent to bring into the space. It’s client led, with the therapist offering gentle challenges and observations from an objective perspective. 

Person-centred therapy benefits from developing a therapeutic relationship where clients can build trust, and freely process what comes up for them in a holding, compassionate space. 

Short term, Solution Focused Therapy

With 1-3 sessions, we would look at understanding the issue that’s having an impact on your wellbeing, relationships or work and coach through a two-way dialogue to uncover the core pain pains and work towards helping the client finding the resources to reach a solution. 


This form of hypnotherapy happens whilst awake, and guided into a relaxed state. Working with the deeper levels of consciousness to reprogramme or reframe narratives.

Poly-vagal Theory

When finding the body shift to, or stuck in fight, flight or freeze response in situations where it’s become interruptive in work and relationships, we would explore the subjective experience of these situations and work with the mind and body towards regulating the nervous system and coaching ways to reset a physiological response.

Fees are revised annually (June)

Charges are reviewed each year to reflect the experience and services offered. Clients are informed one month in advanced via email. It is welcome to discuss any concerns during or at the end of our session.

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